urban sprawl is your friend

really....camping and all that shit....you can have it. i cant stand it...im allergic to poison ivy, among other things....i cant dig sitting in the middle of the woods around a campfire tripping on mushrooms or smoking weed and passing around a bottle of jack daniels.....who from Kentucky drinks jack daniels anyways....tastes like ass in a glass. the only reason i know what ass tastes like is because my friend eats girls asses on a regular basis and when i was asking him what he gets out of it...he told me it tastes like jack daniels....he is from Tennessee...so it makes sense...now every time i taste any sort of Tennessee whiskey, i envision my friend (who will remain anonymous) drunk on a bottle of Tennessee sour mash with a girl he just met down at jim porters going to town on the brown....with his tongue....but really thats another story for another time. i think we should build more cities like new york , Chicago and Cincinnati. all this so called precious wildlife isn't really all that precious to alot of us...most of us will sit there and say" oh duuuude, im going green" and most of us aren't going to do anything different besides maybe not throw our cigarette butts on the street. little did we know...we are keep the precious robins and sparrows and cardinals from good insulation for their nests....thus....killing their offspring. nest thing you know...all the birds have disappeared setting off a natural catastrophe. so keep throwing your butts on the street. the fact of the matter is...the facts don't matter (shellac quote) we are told by other humans...that we as humans are pieces of shit that don't deserve to live here on this earth...we don't take care of it..we don't wipe its ass like a little kid when its yelling from the bathroom "mom in done".....come on you goons....i'm not going to ride a bike to work...and if you have to put a little smoke in the air to make something cheaper....then do it...fucking...organic food are more expensive then food they put all sorts of chemicals in....that makes no sense.to me...you would think that shit would be cheaper...less chemicals.....look..there are some people out there...who will bitch about emissions in the united states..and then bitch about how all the industry has left the united states. didn't you ever stop to think? fucking china doesn't give a shit about emissions...go over there and bitch about the ozone..this isn't some sort of usa all the way rant....we all know nowadays you are a redneck if you are patriotic...and i don't want to be called a redneck even though i might intentionally get drunk off whiskey and obnoxiously hit on women. and randomly chant "usa all the way". i always find it funny when people bitch about something and then there is the obvious contradiction..."oooo....my wiener hurts there is too much pollution in major cities"...then move to the country. don't spoil it for those who like the smell of exhaust...because i know i do....

turning off your electricity when you are using it or taking fast showers....that isn't living green...that saving money....its common sense...im not doing it because me keep a light on all night means the coal plant has to bring in another barge and pump it into the ozone....recycling isn't an option where i live. you get a recycling bin and you do it...no big deal..but i know there are some places that actually charge you to recycle...i would say we need to get some of those left coast loonies out to those areas and have a hunger strike while chained to the front doors of the waste company that is doing this.

has anyone ever seen how much it costs to install solar panels on your house....check it out....yes you will make your money back ten fold...but not alot of people want to finance that sort of thing.

my point to all this is...there are people who feel so transcendental and love being oout in nature.....there are people that feel like because they bought an electric car they are doing their part to save mother earth. and you all are awesome. really pat yourself on the back because...me im like what dennis miller said...by the time the earth goes to shit ill be dead...so who cares?....im not going to spend more money to save the earth. make the shit cheaper...and ill by it.

i believe it was Thomas Jefferson who spoke about manifest destiny....i think what he envisioned was a giant new york city from one coast to the next...or at least thats what i would like to think...because that would be pretty righteous.

dont let anyone ever tell you we are running out of space in this country....i would tell those people to take a drive through a barren wasteland known as new mexico....its a giant missle range......but if we were running out of places for people to live...send a bunch of double wides out there and let the hill billies enjoy themselves.