drumkit that i have always wanted to maybe say or change.....one of them most important...is to keep the show rolling. in my opinion. a band on stage playing a song...stopping...playing another stopping...playing another stopping.....is just giving people a chance to walk away. so i always liked the idea of playing blocks of songs that in a way can run into each other. plenty of bands have done this through out history but the bands that did it and really stuck out in my head were bands like Elliott and fugazi. they first time i saw elliott i was amazed at how they were able to build these instrumental breaks into the songs using a midi player...
currently as i sit here and write this...i have a cold... first and hopefully only cold of the year. i did this to myself...and i knew i was gonna be in deep doo doo. Friday night was the screeching weasel show. wait...need to back up. this has kinda become a theme in oso bear.....have a big show coming up...practice new material one week before the show...everyone stress out...people threaten to quit...people yell....people call one another and complain. but we do this to ourselves...when in the end...it all works out. as a drummer....for years i have seen things from behind the
something that maybe now i could be able to do as a musician...and in the case of fugazi...they are still on a level of live playing i still try to obtain. they are the best around...and nothing is ever gonna bring them down.....so bottom line.....we were all stressed out..and when you are stressed out nothing is fun....blah blah....wah wah. so we practiced alot to prepare for the show...the week of...alot of people do not know what its like to go over the same songs again and again over and over at the same time dealing with two guitar players who have a.d.d. and will always start playing their guitars the moment you try to talk and make a point about something in a song..you start to lose your mind......you really do..and not to mention how loud it is...all this combined...............with the just wondering if there is gonna be a good turnout for the show...if we told enough people...if we hung enough fliers..if the cds are gonna be done in time.....wow....... so friday night screeching weasel plays...of course i have mixed feelings on this...one one hand...im stoked its screeching weasel...on the other hand...i paid 27.50 to see them play...not to mention..at one point i had three people going with me and due to people bailing i had one. Samantha...so i mean i guess i kinda didnt want to go...but was glad i did... for 27.50 they could have played longer. but thats the shape of punk.....to come. the next day we practiced at four. sound checked at six....then opened the doors to the show at eight pm. around 830 we started seeing people walk in.....and by ten the place was packed....i think we almost had 200 people there. lots of flannel. all the bands were amazing.....everything went as planned...so now the next step is to buy a van. to see the pictures.....i suppose you would have to befriend us on facebook.