i thought i told ya that we wont stop.
ive been eating alot of pineapple. canned pineapple. its a wonder fruit. nutritious and delicious.
i bought some corned beef hash the other day and ate it with eggs....its very akin too goetta....but goetta is better.
i lost my speedy rewards card...but quickly gained it back. praise his name.
the show @ the sgh was a sort of return to rock in a sense. a little loud....a little fast. but the energy was there.
ive got scars from burning myself with cigs. vitamin e where are you?
there haven't been very many parties as of late at the whoopy dang lodge....and i might just say its relaxing.
zildian k custom ride now looks like pac man. ive been cutting and cutting the crack........pretty soon it will be time to buy a new cymbal. i just cant afford it.
the riverdales have a new album. so im back listening to all their albums again. i love them with all my heart.....my black heart.....my emo heart.
i ordered a pizza from larosas today...and im happy. three cheese...bacon, onion, mushroom,sausage. holler.
oso bear played at the down under with tina sparkle and the dripping slits. both bands are really great and good people. had alot of fun.
the night before was the sgh show..after the show me and matt decided it would be fun to shoot bottle rockets at all the people walking out of the strauss house.....we were like little kids. the cops walking up to our fence and politely asked us to stop...we obliged...then cooked some bratwurst...and continued to drinkn delicious pabst blue ribbon till we found it time to go to bed. whoopy dang?........i think so.
last night went to a 90s tribute show. alot of good music...but weird. the 90s werent such a great era in music......i mean...alot of good music...but when you look back...people arent gonna be like......hey i listen to 90's music.....i mean you can say that kinda with the other decades....youve got all those douche bags that say the 70s had the best music. i cant disagree more.....there were good bands in the 80s...but not a decade of superior music. im sorry. it was the 80s. live with it.
covington.....love it.....embrace it.....live in the trenches.
i had an idea for a street banner for north side. "we are young, we are alternative, we are north side"....and i dont even live there....thats what im doing...is thinking of the big picture for all the enclaves in the greater Cincinnati area. just dont put Kentucky in your greater Cincinnati area...you can have Indiana. all points west of the state lines.......but not my precious Kentucky.
i guess i really dont have anything against northside except for the fact that its just overrated. no....its not even that. its how hard people try to express there so called individuality.....and they end up all looking the same....same tattoos....same brown tones.....same hair cuts...same ironic pleather jacket......the question is are you really an individual....or just meat for the machine? and when i say meat....im talking......a good 80/20 mix of ground sirloin and chuck. thats what im talking about.
the hot snakes at first listen....are a bit boring....but im digging them as of late.
lovely crash. new guitar player...out of town shows...shows in northside...shows at baba budans....good times. we keep on keepin on.....i think we are getting better every show we play...at least i am getting more comfortable.....fun.
i need a haircut. i need to stop eating speedway food.