I'm getting pretty sick and tired of fast food restaurants passing off ranch and Monterrey jack cheese as something that we the consumer consider to be "high brow" in fact....its quite the opposite. let me explain...... Wendy's makes a chicken sandwich....then.....the add ranch dressing and Monterrey jack cheese......and charge you a dollar extra for the pleasure.......lets be real Monterrey jack cheese is not a very good cheese...nor for that matter is pepper jack...or even American cheddar....no friends....to find good cheese you must cross the pond....the the magical cheese land of Europa.....now something just came to mind in the midst of me writing this.....Wisconsin............there is good cheese in Wisconsin........cheese curds that it.........speaking of cheese curds...how about some poutine......would this be considered high brow? i think not

back to what i was once saying....but first i would like to finish with Wisconsin.....you are quite the magical state......union made pbr......union made ballatine......gartenbrau.....to name a few choice beers....not to mention......cheese....but alas you are not europe....home of the best cheeses in the world.....even the English have a good run in the cheese business. its had come to my realization that there is alot of low brow stuff going on in the united states these days....especially when it comes to food and what people eat.....first and foremost...all vegans are low brow....you limit yourself so much that i often wonder if you even have a relationship with food at all.....did you lose your taste buds? you must have....because a new york strip.....rare....might be the best thing ever......besides wrapping it in bacon......tofu....is low brow. now when it comes to meat....there are alot of low brow meats...and you can tell alot about someone by the amount of low brow meats they have stocked in their kitchen....bologna.....hot dogs.....pickle loaf......PICKLE LOAF....wtf is pickle loaf.? someone recently commented on my use of ellipses...and how i over use them..............................................................................that one was for you asshole......all the the afore mentioned are low brow meats....so you get where im going with low brow meats.....a high brow meat would be any select cut of beef.....there are gray areas....is chicken essentially a low brow meat....or a high brow meat.....where does pork fit in all of this?.......then....what about the gamey animals....i will leave that open for discussion. never the less we should start talking and discussing high brow trends versus low brow trends...in almost every aspect of out lives...after all...."consumer culture truly is society's great disease".....and i believe our consumer culture is uniquely American. my point from the beginning is....ranch dressing is low brow....im tired of it....give us something else wendys.
right now as i lay in the prone position of my bed.....i currently have the oyster flu....which i have due to the economy....lemme explain......people blame everything on the economy.....at least it seems like that....." you know with this economy...its hard to get a job" or....." gas prices are high......its the economy"...so now i feel like im just gonna blame the economy for everything.....i wouldn't have this rash on my wiener if this economy wasn't so bad...(just an example).....so with that being said...i have oyster flue due to the economy. ill blame everything on the economy from here on out.......because thats what we need to do......blame someone else or in this case....a non living thing........
Zombie movies....there have been so many. but zombie walks.....are stupid. zombie movies.....good....zombie walks.....stupid....i have some thoughts on a zombie Apocalypse.....and the thought is...what makes you think you are gonna survive it.....thats very arrogant of you to assume you are gonna be one of the people that actually makes it through it....have you ever been in a situation where you actually had to survive?....no....you wont live through it....dont feel bad...why would you wanna live through any apocalypse.....you mean to tell me no more on demand tv.....ben and jerrys....... camel crushes.......spotify? FACEBOOK?....and in the midst of losing all of this....Ive resorted to holing myself up somewhere and defending myself from zombies? no thanks...ill take death. living without all things that make us uniquely American is something i don't wanna do.....i like my life of convenience....i like it so much...that i will write it proud as i sip on a two liter of diet coke that came with an order of baked onion soup and a Philly cheese steak hoagy ordered on line from larosas while i laid in bed streaming boardwalk empire and how to make it in America from my stolen wireless Internet signal. come on people on wall street......this is America....land of excess....land of corporations....land of fast food and poor fat people....sometimes i become really disgusted by people who feel the need to get out and protest....this ain't the Boston tea party....this ain't a civil rights movement.....although there is more to than this that meets the eye......you are mad at people for being rich.....this shit storm called a bad economy( ding ding) started when two airplanes crashed into the world trade center...this proclaiming victory for the bad guys....its not the rich peoples fault.....sorry 99 percent...the one percent pays more taxes than the rest of you combined.....i dont have a better answer for anything...why do i have to? its all so screwed up nowadays.....we got a federal govt larger than its ever been....we got career politicians.....we got lobbyists...and we got corporate greed....and we got NO MIDDLE CLASS.....its sucks but the answer is not redistribution of wealth.......im not even gonna speculate on what i think the answer is.....what to i really care...i just wanna watch college football.......drink whiskey and diets.....and talk about how awesome i am...so far im doing a really good job.....keep your goals low.....that way you wont be disappointed. when you don't meet then....yet another uniquely American concept. there are so many annoying things about this country..... mostly the people that live in it...but i cant help to think.....that there isnt a better place to live.. no matter how violent it may seem or uncaring....we have those freedoms to protest in the streets and talk shit about our govt...women.... don't have to wear burkas.....women have rights.( which is utter bullshit...come really.......sike...women....don't freak out)....one thing just came to mind....on the local media......there has been a case where a teacher from a school i used to attend.....had sex with some high school boys.....she is now serving a small sentence in a low level security penitentiary.....but lets be honest...what kinda crime did she commit.....giving a couple high school dudes the time of their life? yes...she is guilty of that....but it got me to thinking about some things...like in the 1800's how you would marry women at 12 to 14 and they would start reproducing....and so on...then slowly throughout the years.....certain rules were put into order.....such as....if there is grass on the field...play ball...and....if shes old enough to drive shes old enough to ride......now the law basically says you can not have sex with anyone under 18.......and dont get me wrong....i agree with it.....i just find it interesting....does anyone ever ask these teenager if they enjoyed the sex......we are talking about high school dudes....not innocent children...who knew no different....these dudes were gang banging and dping all the the way home....they were taking showers with her....smoking pot........drinking....and listening to cash money records while ole teach taught them alot about living and a little bout love.....maybe it was the other way around.....women...i can see.....teenage boys cmon. was there really a crime?......much like i am a student of history....no one thinks about all the countries below the united states that speak English.....that's because there are none....they all speak Spanish....and there is a reason for that.....colonization.....but you don't ever hear people on their moral high horses talking shit about the melancholy Spaniards do we now? no.......that one just gets swept under the rug....not to mention....bullfighting....an super horrific sport...to the bull... those two thought had no point together...respect them independently.....central and south America are low brow.....respectively. people who mock the Jenkins report for typos and bad grammar are very under educated low brow people who don't have any sense of wonder or imagination...you spend your lives worrying about the rules....you listen to Michael bubble and john Mayer.......when you take poops you read people magazine so you can keep up with whats going on with the vapid people out on the left coast....we call them actors....don't you just love when actors pick up some sort of political cause....come one sean penn. ....come on clooney...youre the most attractive man in the world.....stop hanging out with that soderburg character and get back to chasing tale and getting an eve more defined chin.....everyone....stop worrying....the govt is gonna take care of us....thats want we want after all....actors keep making movies about shit that makes us escape the bitter winter we call our lives....dont make us think about anything.......feed us commercials got 20 minutes out of every hour...and keep feeding us processed chicken.....kfc.....youre the worst low brow sons of bitches on the planet.....first of all....and the most important thing ever....you took Kentucky out of the name and dumbed it down the the quick and catchy....kfc.....look.....fried chicken is uniquely American....but it was also uniquely Kentucky.....for a while.....second....which could possibly tie first..........you fucking made the colonel a cartoon character.........dude...Harlan sanders is a legend.......now......for the finale....

mashed potatoes, corn, gravy,chicken, and cheese...perhaps the most low brow thing anyone has ever don't on the face of the earth....please discuss among one another.
below is an example of high brow drums.
Part two.